
Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm not dead...

...and neither is this site. Wow, moving can really kick the shit out of you. Especially cause I've accumulated so much stuff over the past two years. And not stuff I can discard, but stuff like a homemade orbital scanner, a full 88-key keyboard. 3 more computers, a shitload more CDs and a few more DVDs.

I have so much more room now, and I can keep most of my stuff in my room without it looking, as some people have claimed my old room did, like Mel Gibson's apartment in Conspiracy Theory.

Add this to the fact that the internet here sucks, and that enough is why I haven't posted in a long, long time. I've been trying to find a good Windows Mobile app to let me post from my phone. I can do it through my regular Dashboard, it's just a pain. And if the app doesn't allow me to set up a post to be published at a specific time in the future, it's really no good to me at this point.

Oh, there I go again, blathering on. Well, expect to see more posts now that I'm settled.

Till then,


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